2019/2020 School Year
12th Jun 2020
Congratulations to all of the following P5's who have been awarded their AR certificate:...
12th Jun 2020
Congratulations to the following pupils who topped the leaderboard in Sumdog this...
12th Jun 2020
Well done to Mickey, Leo, Elena, Dylan, Dan, Sarah, Gethin, Liam, Ollie, John...
11th Jun 2020
Congratulations 🥳 to the following pupils for completing levels on Lexia...
11th Jun 2020
Watch our P1 pupil Mollie and her brother Marcas from P6 as they practice...
10th Jun 2020
Use the link below to start your warm up:
8th Jun 2020
Here is your outline for our virtual sports day to take place this Friday 12th June....