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St Jarlath's Primary School, Blackwatertown


2022/2023 School Year

23rd Sep 2022
Primary 2 worked very hard this morning. The children took part in a carousel activity,...
23rd Sep 2022
This week P4 celebrated national coding week by taking part in a webinar on coding...
23rd Sep 2022
Well done to this week’s Pupils of the week who received certificates at assembly....
22nd Sep 2022
This week in Mindfulness Art after school we used a peacock template to explore...
22nd Sep 2022
Primary 4 and 7 were lucky to make the trip to Parkanaur Forest Park for a Woodland...
21st Sep 2022
The Primary 5 children engaged in a Coding workshop Space Invaders using Scratch...
21st Sep 2022
P1 had a great morning with Mr McQuade and Burns Skills School learning new PE skills...
21st Sep 2022
This week the boys and girls made white chocolate and Oreo fudge.
21st Sep 2022
P1 had great fun on their listening walk. We used our listening ears to find new...
21st Sep 2022
Primary 6 enjoyed using the Izak 9 cubes this week to help learn their times tables. ...