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St Jarlath's Primary School, Blackwatertown


2022/2023 School Year

10th Oct 2022
As part of our WAU topic, Primary 6 children visited Navan Centre and fort to learn...
7th Oct 2022
P1 have been learning all about Autumn. We have been busy collecting leaves on our...
7th Oct 2022
Well done to all of the pupils who received the ‘Pupil of the Week’...
6th Oct 2022
As part of the World Around Us topic ‘Discovering Me’, Primary 2 completed...
6th Oct 2022
This week the boys and girls made custard cream truffles.
6th Oct 2022
Well done to our after school netballers.  The girls are improving every week....
6th Oct 2022
Today the boys and girls were introduced to their P6 buddies. They had lots of fun...
6th Oct 2022
The P5 pupils enjoyed a trip to Armagh library today. They found out all about the...
5th Oct 2022
The P3 and P4 art club pupils completed their final piece during art club on Tuesday....
5th Oct 2022
The P5 pupils presented their assembly this week telling all the boys and girls...