Access Keys:

St Jarlath's Primary School, Blackwatertown


In St. Jarlath’s P.S. we aim to give all the children in our care wide experiences appropriate to their age and ability. We try to develop in our pupils a pride in their own self worth and recognition of the value of other people, regardless of social, religious, academic or cultural background. As a Catholic school we aim to promote the dignity, self esteem and full development of each pupil in an environment which promotes inclusion and is welcoming to all faiths. We expect our pupils to work hard to achieve our aims and for parents to assist us in carrying out our responsibilities in a mutually supportive, respectful and caring environment.

Our school mission statement , “Finding success in every child” is something which everyone who works in our school strives for each day. As a catholic school we seek to find the good in each child. We aim to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences for our pupils. This is brought about by effective leadership on behalf of all staff members. As a school we seek to make links with our school community at every level possible in order to widen pupil experiences.

If at any time you feel that your child has a worry or problem – real or imaginary – please do not hesitate to bring it to our attention. Very often his/her little “problem” can be easily resolved but we rely on you to tell us about it as soon as it becomes apparent. In fact at all times we urge you:

“Please talk to us – not about us.”